Wednesday, May 25, 2011

8 absurd interview questions

Normally I don't write about this type of stuff....
and I haven't been writing much (of anything) these past few weeks.

My CEO is a fan of the "Why are manhole covers round?" question. He says it makes people think. I think it makes people GOOGLE and look for another answers......

It has gotten to the point where it is just like the "Where do you see yourself in 5 years?" and the answer "running the company" or "in management" are the typical answers.

I just wanted to show a few of these absurd questions and how (allegedly) they are supposed to be answered.

for the record - manholes are round so the covers can not fall in to the holes that they cover. There is no way (with out bending the cover) that you can force a man hole cover into the hole.

8 Absurd Interview Questions (that are asked by large corporations).

and just for shits and giggles, here are some Google Interview questions:

More Interviews.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Portion Control - Fruits and Veggies edition

No this isn't a song by Prince.

It is bigger than that.

With the new Points Plus Program, Fruits and (most) veggies are 0 points.

We look at a huge Apple and think... mm..... one serving is one Apple. If only it were that simple.

Thank the maker (and the interwebs) that some good people have worked up a visual guide to portions for us.

Thanks to CHOW you can see this in a nice clean guide.

You can also download the PDF of it on the page as well.

As always....


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Not all athletes have washboard abs

What is an athlete?

Wikipedia says "A person who is involved in Athletics (sport), which involves track and field events, long distance, cross-country and road running ..." Why limit it there?

I think anyone who participates in a sport/activity (more than once a week) can be considered an athlete.

I stumbled across this blog today with photos of athletes, as shot by Howard Schatz.

You can see the rest of them: here.

When ever you feel down or need a boost.... just look and see. Sure... some of them have a six pack that would cost an arm and a leg at a local bar... but others are normal. Healthy people.

Friday, February 11, 2011


Not all THAT proud....I have been slacking with the gym.

Last week I was there 4 days and ran 4 miles each day I was there.

This past week....
I walked by the gym a few times. Didn't go in at all.

I NEED to make it a priority to get back in to the swing.

We are doing the Buffalo Marathon this year.
Should be super fun!
Talking Proud!!

Friday, February 4, 2011

It is my right.... as an American to eat as much as I want. As a human being and some one who wants to remain alive (as it beats the alternative) it is wrong wrong WRONG.

A recent article pointed out that Americans are getting fatter and fatter. Not just fatter but OBESE.

With this weight gain there are increases in chances of death. From heart attacks, stress, Diabetes, as well as not fitting through an emergency exit.

What (if anything) are your thoughts?

Can you eat enough to be full and keep your mind from wanting to eat more?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Stronger/Healthier people are harder to kill.

It is not just because they are super fast and can not be trapped in bear traps, or rat tzapper, or even shot at. It is that they are healthier and are therefore more in tune with what their body needs.

A 20-year study involving nearly 9000 men aged 20-80 found "Muscular strength is inversely and independently associated with death from all causes and cancer, even after adjusting for cardiorespiratory fitness and other potential confounders." READ THE STUDY.

What does this mean? What is the conclusion? It is that Muscular strength is inversely and independently associated with death from all causes and cancer in men, even after adjusting for cardiorespiratory fitness and other potential confounders.

Does this work?

Jack LaLanne lived to 96. And the last 15 of those years were not diseased and decrepit years Jack had.

So ....

stay healthy now
for a longer and fitter life!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

0 Points Plus Wonder of the World - Sugar Free Jell-o Strawberry

How awesome is the new points plus system?

Want something that is filling (a bit) and sweet at the same time?

May I recommend Sugar Free Jell-O of the Strawberry variety.

The back and the numbers are such:

Putting this through the calculator, it is 0 points plus for 4 servings (which is one box) and is not 1 point until you hit 6 servings (a box and a half).

Yum Yum Yum!

Enjoy :0P

Weight Watchers Smoothie Pancakes (3 PTS+)

So you are craving pancakes??? So was I.

My wife got me the Weight Watchers Smoothies (both Vanilla and Chocolate) and mentioned there was a recipe for pancakes. Who doesn't like pancakes? You know what... I don't want to know if there is anyone out there.

What do you need to make these 3 Points Plus pancakes you ask?

You need:

1 Weight Watchers Smoothies (your choice of flavor)
2 Egg Whites
2 TBSP of Water

It helps if you have the Star Wars Pancake molds as it may make them taste better. And then you need a Darth Vader spatula to flip these tastey treats.


Combine 2 egg whites, 2 TBSP of Water and 1 Smoothie packet.

It should look like this:

This will make 2 Star Wars Heads or 1 Star Wars head and a weird looking oval shaped pancake.

The Chocolate ones, when crisp reminded me of Cocoa Krispies. The Vanilla ones were quite tasty too. There is no need for syrup as they are sweet on their own. The Vanilla ones (also) would make very good crepes.

Until the next time....

May The Force Be With You!

Friday, January 21, 2011


So I went to the gym today.

It is my first time since the Disney run (5K).

I had a list of 1000 things I could do or would rather do than go to the gym.

But I went.

It was only a 30 minute run, but it was good to get back to it.

I think I will start posting my runs and such so I can have a "running" total of the number of miles I have accomplished this year.

If anyone is reading this... what motivates you?

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Trenta puts a denta in your day

So check this out:

Just look at that....
REALLY look at it.

How much is too much?

At what point does our body tell us "enough is enough" and that "now... after 1000 ml it is time to stop."

As per Google the conversion rate of ml to ounces is 1 ml = 0.0338140227 US fluid ounces. With this in mind... the Trenta is 916 ml or 31 (30.97) ounces. For example Weight Watchers recommends that you drink 6 8ounces of water per day. That is 48 ounces. With the Trenta sized serving, that is about 65% of your daily suggested liquid intake for the day. IN ONE SITTING.

Throw calories into the mix and God only knows what you are ingesting.

As an example:

The above are approximations only......

If you have 29 points in a day... you can say goodbye to any real meals.

It is all about balance. A Yin and a Yang approach.

Find what makes you happy and work with it.

Wishing you happy and healthy eating!




I am not sure what I am going to focus on here.....

Perhaps it will encompass a lot of things.