Wednesday, May 25, 2011

8 absurd interview questions

Normally I don't write about this type of stuff....
and I haven't been writing much (of anything) these past few weeks.

My CEO is a fan of the "Why are manhole covers round?" question. He says it makes people think. I think it makes people GOOGLE and look for another answers......

It has gotten to the point where it is just like the "Where do you see yourself in 5 years?" and the answer "running the company" or "in management" are the typical answers.

I just wanted to show a few of these absurd questions and how (allegedly) they are supposed to be answered.

for the record - manholes are round so the covers can not fall in to the holes that they cover. There is no way (with out bending the cover) that you can force a man hole cover into the hole.

8 Absurd Interview Questions (that are asked by large corporations).

and just for shits and giggles, here are some Google Interview questions:

More Interviews.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Portion Control - Fruits and Veggies edition

No this isn't a song by Prince.

It is bigger than that.

With the new Points Plus Program, Fruits and (most) veggies are 0 points.

We look at a huge Apple and think... mm..... one serving is one Apple. If only it were that simple.

Thank the maker (and the interwebs) that some good people have worked up a visual guide to portions for us.

Thanks to CHOW you can see this in a nice clean guide.

You can also download the PDF of it on the page as well.

As always....
